Archival Sources
Endell, Else Ti. Correspondence, to Marcus Behmer. Stadtarchiv München:
- Invitation card, "Herbst 1901"; envelope stamped: Berlin, November 11, 1901.
- Postcard depicting Dr. Gmelin's "Nordsee-Sanatorium" in Boldixum, (near Wyk) auf Föhr, December 26, 1902. Stadtarchiv, Munich
Freytag-Loringhoven, Else Baroness von. Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven Collection. University of Maryland, College Park.
- Baroness Elsa: Her Life and Letters [autobiography, typescript]. Box 1, Fds. 4-7.
(also: University of Manitoba Archives, in ms. and ts.)
- Correspondence, to Behmer, Berlin 1924. Box 1.
- Correspondence. Unidentified, German. Box 2.
- Drafts of letters to "Tse" (August Endell), and Richard Schmitz.
- German poetry. Box 4.
- Fds. 10-11, Fragments, contain poems addressed to Ernst Hardt.
Greve, Felix Paul. Correspondence with Insel Verlag. Nationale Forschungs- und Gedenkstätten der klassischen deutschen Literatur, Weimar.
- To and by Rudolph von Poellnitz, 1902-1903.
- Sporadic letters by Greve to Anton Kippenberg, 1907-1908.
- Kippenberg's letter to Else Greve, 21. 9. 1909. (Also: F. P. Grove, Letters, pp. 548-552, Ger+Eng. (These letters (103 p.) were consulted by the editor in May 1990, and obtained in October, 1990).
Greve, Felix Paul. Correspondence, to O. A. H. Schmitz, 1904-1906. Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Marbach.
Greve, Felix Paul. Correspondence, to Karl Wolfskehl, 1901-1902. Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Marbach (includes two postcards of Greve, Gardone, 1902).
Greve, Felix Paul. Gedichte. Mss. of seven poems, sent to Stefan George, August 27, 1902. Stefan George Archiv, Stuttgart.
The following mss. by Greve were also found in this collection:
- Browning, Robert. "A Blot in the Scutcheon: Act III, Scene I." Deutsch von Felix Paul Greve (on t.p.: "[teilweise, Entwurf"; and An Herrn Stefan George"]. 10 mss pages, ca. 1902.
- [Dante]. "Aus Dantes Vita Nuova." (Greve's translation of seven sonnets). 7 mss. pages, ca. 1902.
In addition, there are several of Greve's translations and critical studies of Oscar Wilde extant in the Stefan George Archiv, some of which are autographed for George or Wolfskehl.
Grove, Frederick Philip. Frederick Philip Grove Collection. University of Manitoba Archives, Winnipeg:
- Miscellaneous Poems. Box 18, Fd. 24.
- Notebook. Box 18, Fd. 10.
- Poems: In Memoriam Phyllis May Grove. Box 18, Fds. 11-14.
- Selections. Box 18, Fd. 23.
- Unpublished Short Stories, Box 17, Fds. 49.
Register of the Frederick Philip Grove Collection. Compiled by Deborah Raths. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Libraries, Dept. of Archives, Manuscripts and Rare Books, 1979.
Schmitz, O. A. H. Unpublished Memoirs. Typescript, 718 pp. Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Marbach.
Spettigue, D. O. The D. O. Spettigue Collection. University of Manitoba Archives, Winnipeg:
- Three German Poems by F. P. Grove. Box 14, Fd. 15
- Two Poems by F. P. Grove. Box 11, Fd. 15
Stobie, Margaret. The Margaret Stobie Collection. University of Manitoba Archives, Winnipeg: - Grove, Fred. "Jean Jacques Rousseau als Erzieher". Der Nordwesten, November 25 to December, 1914. Orig, and ts.
Adorno, Theodor. "Rede über Lyrik und Gesellschaft."In his: Noten zur Literatur. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1963, p.73-104.
Apologia Pro Oscar Wilde. Deutsch von Felix Paul Greve. Minden: J. C. C. Bruns, [1903?].
August Endell: der Architekt des Photoateliers Elvira, 1871-1925. [Ausstellung in der Villa Stuck]. Munich: [1978].
Bierbaum, Otto J. [Review of F. P. Greve, Wanderungen]. Die Insel 3 (1901/2), pp.195-196.
Blätter für die Kunst, 1892-1919. Düsseldorf: [Neudruck], 1967.
Blei, Franz, Hrsg. Das Lustwäldchen: galante Lieder aus der deutschen Barockzeit. Gesammelt und herausgegeben von Franz Blei. München: Hans Weber, 1907.
Blodgett, E. D. "Alias Grove: Variations in Disguise." In his: Configurations, pp. 112-153.
Blodgett, E. D. Configurations: Essays in the Canadian Literatures. Downsview, Ont.: ECW Press, 1982.
Blodgett, E. D. "Ersatz-Feminism in FPG's German Novels." In: A Stranger To My Time, 1986, pp. 21-46.
Blodgett, E. D. "Grove's Female Picaresque." Canadian Literature 106 (1985), pp. 152-154.
Böckel, Fritz. [Review]. "Maurermeister Ihles Haus, von Felix Paul Greve". Das litterarische Echo 10 (1907/8), col. 210. Note: the publication date is given as 1907.
Böckmann, Paul. "Die Bedeutung Nietzsches für die Situation der modernen Literatur." In his: Formensprache: Studien zur Literaturkritik,1969.
Böckmann, Paul. Formensprache: Studien zur Literaturkritik. Hamburg: Hoffmann und Campe,1969.
Brecht, Bertolt. Der Tui-Roman (Fragment). In his: Gesammelte Werke, Bd. 12, pp. 587-727.
Browning, Robert. "A Blot in the Scutcheon: Act III, Scene I." Deutsch von Felix Paul Greve [teilweise, Entwurf]. 10 mss pages, Stefan George Archiv, Stuttgart.
Browning, Robert. "Kleon, by Robert Browning." Freistatt 6 (1904), p. 556-559. (Transl., F. P. Greve).
Brümmer, Franz. Lexicon der deutschen Dichter und Prosaisten. 6. Aufl. 4v. Leipzig: Reclam, 1913.
Canada and the Nordic Countries: Proceedings from the Second International Conference of the Nordic Association for Canadian Studies, Lund, 1987. Lund: Lund University Press, [1988].
Craig, Terence. "Frederick Philip Grove und der "fremde" Einwanderer im kanadischen Westen." Deutschkanadisches Jahrbuch 9, pp.141-154.
Craig, Terence, ed. "Frederick Philip Grove's 'Poems'." Canadian Poetry v. 10 (1982), pp. 59-90.
Craig, Terence, ed. "Frederick Philip Grove's 'The Dirge'." Canadian Poetry v. 16 (1985), pp. 55-73.
Dante, [Alighieri]. "Aus Dantes Vita Nuova." (Greve's translation of seven sonnets, ca. 1902). 7 mss. pages, Stefan George Archiv, Stuttgart.
DeVore, Lynn. "The Backgrounds of Nightwood: Robin, Felix, and Nora." Journal of Modern Literature10 (1983), p. 71-90.
Dictionary of Women's Artists: an International Dictionary of Women Artists Born before 1900. Boston: G. K. Hall, c1985.
Dietzel, Thomas, and Hans-Otto Hügel. Deutsche literarische Zeitschriften, 1880-1945: ein Repertorium. 5 v. München: K. G. Saur, 1988.
Dilthey, Wilhelm. Einleitung in die Geisteswissenschaften. Leipzig: Teubner, 1922.
Divay, Gaby. "Aspekte der Verlagspolitik des Insel-Verlages, 1900-1910." Conference of the German Studies Association, Buffalo, October 1990.
Divay, Gaby. "Felix Paul Greve as Translator: The Reception in Contemporary Journals." Proceedings of the Linguistic Circle of Manitoba and North Dakota, v. 29 (1989), pp. 14-15.
Divay, Gaby. "Frederick Philip Grove's German Heritage: the Evidence in the University of Manitoba Archives." Conference of the German-Canadian Historical Association, Charlottetown, May 1992 [forthcoming in the Association's Proceedings].
Divay, Gaby. "Frederick Philp Grove's German Poetry." Proceedings of the Linguistic Circle of Manitoba and North Dakota, v. 26 (1986), pp. 11-12.
Divay, Gaby. "Greve/Grove's Poetry Edition in the Making." Proceedings of the Linguistic Circle of Manitoba and North Dakota, v. 30 (1990), pp. 12-14.
Divay, Gaby. "Greve's 'Fanny Essler' Poems: His or Hers?" Proceedings of the Linguistic Circle of Manitoba and North Dakota, v. 31 (1991), pp. 14-15.
Divay, Gaby. "Influences of English and French Decadents in Germany: The Contribution of Felix Paul Greve as Translator". Midlands Conference on Language and Literature, Creighton University, Omaha, April 1989.
Divay, Gaby. "The Spettigue Connection to the Grove Collection." Discovery Hour, University of Manitoba Archives, March 1990.
Du Bois-Reymond, Emil. Über die Grenzen der Naturerkenntnis: Ignoramus, Ignorabimus. 1880.
Durzak, Manfred. Der junge Stefan George. München: W. Fink, 1968.
Durzak, Manfred. Zwischen Symbolismus und Expressionismus: Stefan George. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1974.
Eggert-Schröder, Hans. Ludwig Klages, die Geschichte seines Lebens. T. 1, Die Jugend. Bonn: H. Bouvier, 1966.
Elssler, Fanny. "Fanny Elsler (sic!). Lithograph (G. Leybold, 1840)." Broom 4, no. 1 (December 1922), p. [2].
Essler, Fanny. "Gedichte." Die Freistatt 6, Heft 35 (27. 8. 1904), pp.700-701.
Essler, Fanny. "Gedichte." Die Freistatt 7, Heft 12 (10. 3. 1905), p.185-186.
Essler, Fanny. "Ein Porträt: drei Sonette." Die Freistatt 6, Heft 42 (10. 10. 1904), pp. 840-841.
Ettlinger, Joseph. "Der Fall Hofmannswaldau." Das litterarische Echo 10 (1907/8), col. 19-23.
Fischer, Jens Malte. Fin de siècle: Kommentar zu einer Epoche. München: Winkler Verlag, 1978.
Flaubert, Gustave. L'Éducation sentimentale. Paris: Éditions Flammarion, 1963.
Flaubert, Gustave. Gesammelte Werke in zehn Bänden. Minden: J. C. C. Bruns, 1906-1907.
- Die Versuchung des heiligen Antonius. Autorisierte Übersetzung von F. P. Greve, v. 4 (also separately, ca. 1905).
- Briefe über seine Werke. Ausgewählt, eingeleitet und mit Anmerkungen versehen von F. P. Greve. Ins Deutsche übertragen von E. Greve, v. 7 (pref., September, 1904).
- Reiseblätter: Briefe aus dem Orient. Über Feld und Strand. Zusammengestellt von F. P. Greve. Ins Deutsche übertragen von E. Greve, v. 8 (pref.: "Paris-Plage, Oktober1905"). Another edition states instead: "Deutsch von demselben", i. e., FPG.
- Briefe an Zeit-und Zunftgenossen. Autorisierte Übersetzung von F. P. Greve, v. 9.
Flaubert, Gustave. Madame Bovary. Paris: Livre de Poche, 1961.
The Frederick Philip Grove Colloquium: The Work and the Man. Simcoe, Ont., November,1977.
Freytag-Loringhoven, Else Baroness von. Autobiograhy. Manuscript and typescript, University of Maryland, College Park. [Also: University of Manitoba Archives, Winnipeg].
Freytag-Loringhoven, Else Baroness von. Baroness Elsa. Edited by Paul I. Hjartarson and Douglas O. Spettigue. [Ottawa] : Oberon Press, 1992.
Freytag-Loringhoven, Else Baroness von. "Circle." Broom 4, no. 2 (January 1923), p. 128.
Freytag-Loringhoven, Else Baroness von. "Du." Ms poem, University of Maryland, College Park.
Freytag-Loringhoven, Else Baroness von. "Es hat mal einen Ernst gegeben...." Ms fragment (about Ernst Hardt), University of Maryland, College Park.
Freytag-Loringhoven, Else Baroness von. "Haideritt." Ms poem. University of Maryland, College Park. "To FPG".
Freytag-Loringhoven, Else Baroness von. "Herr Peu-à-Peu." Ms poem (about "Georg" in "Cinci"). University of Maryland, College Park.
Freytag-Loringhoven, Else Baroness von. "Puckellonders sonderbare Geschichte." Ms fragment (about August Endell), University of Maryland, College Park.
Freytag-Loringhoven, Else Baroness von. "Schalk." Ms poem. University of Maryland, College Park.
Freytag-Loringhoven, Else Baroness von. "Wolkzug." Ms poem. University of Maryland, College Park.
Gammel, Irene. The Autobiographer as Parodist: Baroness Elsa, F. P. Greve, and Franziska von Reventlow. [Unpublished paper, submitted to Comparative Literature Review, September, 1992].
Gammel, Irene. Sexualizing Power in Naturalism: Theodore Dreiser and Frederick Philip Grove. Ph.D.-Thesis, McMaster University. Hamilton, 1991.
Gammel, Irene. 'I'll Be My Own Master': Domestic Conflict and Discursive Resistance in 'Maurermeister Ihles Haus' and 'Our Daily Bread'." Canadian Literature no. 136 (Spring 1993), pp. 15-31.
George, Stefan. Stefan George, Friedrich Gundolf: Briefwechsel. Hrsg., Robert Boehringer mit Georg Peter Landmann. München: H. Küpper, 1962.
George, Stefan. Teppich des Lebens. Berlin: Bondi,1900.
George, Stefan. Werke: Ausgabe in zwei Bänden. München: H. Küpper, 1958.
German-Canadian Studies in the 1980s: Symposium. Vancouver: CAUTG, 1983.
Gide, André. André Gide, André Ruyters, Correspondance, 1895-1950. Édition établiée, présentée et annotée par Claude Martin et. al. 2v. Lyon: Presses universitaires de Lyon, 1990.
Gide, André. "Conversation avec un allemand." Bulletin des amis d'André Gide no. 32 (Oct.ober, 1976), p. 23-41. (Includes two important letters by Greve on pp. 39-41).
Gide, André. Die enge Pforte: Roman. [Die Übertragung besorgte Felix Paul Greve]. Berlin: Reiss, 1909.
Gide, André. Der Immoralist. [Vom Autor genehmigte und von ihm durchgesehene Übertragung von Felix Paul Greve]. Minden: J. C. C. Bruns, 1905.
Gide, André. Incidences. Paris: Gallimard, 1924.
Gide, André. Journal. 4v. Rio de Janeiro: Gallimard, 1943-1950.
Gide, André. Ein Liebesversuch und andere Novellen. [Vom Autor genehmigte deutsche Umdichtung von Felix Paul Greve]. Berlin: Oesterheld,1907.
Gide, André. Saul: Schauspiel in fünf Akten. [Vom Autor genehmigte deutsche Übersetzung von Felix Paul Greve]. Berlin: Reiss, 1909.
Gide, André. "Saul" / von André Gide. Schaubühne 3, no. 32 (August 8, 1907), pp. 105-110. (pp. 105-106 are an introduction signed by the translator, Felix Paul Greve).
Gide, André. Sümpfe. [Übersetzt von F. P. Greve]. Minden: J. C. C. Bruns, 1905.
Glur, Guido. Kunstlehre und Kunstanschauung des Georgekreises, und die Ästhetik Oscar Wildes. Bern: P. Haupt, 1957.
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Goethes Faust. Edited by Calvin Thomas. 2v. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co., 1892. Grove's personal copy, University of Manitoba. Back cover states: "Du Bois-Reymond -- Goethe, und kein Ende."
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Goethe's Poems. Selected and edited, with an introduction and notes, by Charles Harris. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co., [1899]. Grove's personal copy, University of Manitoba.
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. "Gott, Gemüt und Welt" (poem). In: Goethe's Poems, 1899, pp. 26-28..
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Iphigenie auf Tauris. Ed., Philip Schuyler Allen. New York: Ginn & Co., [1906]. Grove's personal copy, University of Manitoba.
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. "Prometheus" In: Goethe's Poems, 1899, pp. 128-129.
Gräff, Thomas. Gedichte der Jahrhundertwende, 1890-1910: Interpretationen. München: Oldenbourg, 1991.
Greve, Else. Letter from Anton Kippenberg, 21. 9. 1909. In: F. P. Grove, Letters, 1976, pp. 550-552.
For selected translations by F. P. Greve, see under:
Apologia, Browning, Dante, Flaubert, Gide, Swift and Wilde.
Greve, Felix Paul. "Erster Sturm." Die Schaubühne 3, no. 6 (7. 2. 1907), p.154.
Greve, Felix Paul. Fanny Eßler: ein Roman. Stuttgart: A. Juncker, [1905].
Greve, Felix Paul. "Flauberts Theorien über das Künstlertum." Rheinisch-Westfälische Zeitung, 1065 (1904). Also transl. in A Stranger To My Time, 1986, pp. 3-10.
Greve, Felix Paul. Gedichte. Ms. poems (7). Stefan George Archiv, Stuttgart.
Greve, Felix Paul. "George Meredith." Freistatt 6 (1904), pp. 721-723.
Greve, Felix Paul. Helena und Damon: ein Spiel in Versen. München: In Commission, J. Littauer, [März 1902]. Spettigue Collection. University of Manitoba Archives, Winnipeg.
Greve, Felix Paul. "Die Hexe." Die Freistatt 6, Heft 26 (25. 6. 1904), p. 519.
Greve, Felix Paul. "Das Leben ist die bitterste Satire...". Ms poem, 7. 10. 1902. Wolfskehl correspondence. Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Marbach.
Greve, Felix Paul. Letter to Franz Brümmer, 6. 3. 1907. In: F. P. Grove, Letters, 1976, pp. 538-541.
Greve, Felix Paul. Letters (five) to Stefan George, 1902. Stefan George Archiv, Stuttgart.
Greve, Felix Paul. Letter to André Gide, 7. 6. 1904. Bulletin des amis d'André Gide no. 32 (October,1976), p. 37-38.
Greve, Felix Paul. Letter to André Gide, 17. 10. 1904. Bulletin des amis d'André Gide no. 32 (October,1976), p. 39-41.
Greve, Felix Paul. Letter to André Gide, 22. 6. 1908. In: F. P. Grove, Letters, 1976, pp. 547-548.
Greve, Felix Paul. Letters (three) to Friedrich Gundolf, 1902. Spettigue Collection. University of Manitoba Archives, Winnipeg.
Greve, Felix Paul. Letter to R. von Poellnitz, 19. 11. 1902. In: F. P. Grove, Letters, 1976, pp. 522-523.
Greve, Felix Paul. Letters to O. A. H. Schmitz, 1904-1906. Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Marbach.
Greve, Felix Paul. Letters to Karl Wolfskehl, 1901-1902. Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Marbach.
Greve, Felix Paul. Maurermeister Ihles Haus. Berlin: K. Schnabel, 1906.
Greve, Felix Paul. "Nachgelassene Werke von Friedrich Nietzsche, Bd. XI und XII." Beilage zur Allgemeinen Zeitung (München), Nr. 235, 1901, pp. 6-7.
Greve, Felix Paul. "Oscar Wilde und das Drama". In: Oscar Wilde, Sämtliche Werke in deutscher Sprache, 1906-1908, v. 7, pp. 7-102.
Greve, Felix Paul. Oscar Wilde. Berlin: Gose & Tetzlaff, 1903. Pref.: "Palermo, im März 1903".
Greve, Felix Paul. Randarabesken zu Oscar Wilde. Minden: J. C. C. Bruns, [October, 1903].
Greve, Felix Paul. "Reise in Schweden". Neue Revue und Morgen 3 (1909), pp. 760-766.
Greve, Felix Paul. "Die Stadt am Strande." Die Schaubühne 3, no. 23 (6. 6. 1907), p. 570.
Greve, Felix Paul. Wanderungen. Berlin: O. v. Holten, February,1902.
Greve, Felix Paul. Wanderungen. [Selbstanzeige]. Die Zukunft 39 (1902), p.164-165.
Grove, Frederick Philip. "Apokalypse." Ms. poem. Spettigue Archive.
Grove, Frederick Philip. "Apologia Pro Vita et Opere Sue." Canadian Forum XI, August 1931, pp. 420-422.
Grove, Frederick Philip. "Arctic Woods." Ts. poem. Grove Archives, Box 18, Fd. 24.
Grove, Frederick Philip. "Books". Unpublished ts. Grove Collection, Box. 20, Fd. 6. Also: ms. fragment in poetry Notebook, Box. 18, Fd. 10.
Grove, Frederick Philip. "Civilization: A Sermon of the Unprofitable Life." Ms., Grove Collection, Box. 20, Fd. 10. Also in: An Edition of Selected Unpublished Essays and Lectures by Frederick Philip Grove, 1982, pp. 29-30.
Grove, Frederick Philip. Consider Her Ways. Toronto: Macmillan, 1947.
Grove, Frederick Philip. "Dies ist der Wald...". Ms. poem. Grove Archives, Box 18, Fd. 24.
Grove, Frederick Philip. "A Dream Vision." Ts. poem. Spettigue Archive.
Grove, Frederick Philip. "Die Dünen fliegen auf...". Ms. poem. Grove Archives, Box 18, Fd. 24.
Grove, Frederick Philip. "The Dying Year." Ts poem. Grove Archives, Box 18, Fd. 24.
Grove, Frederick Philip. An Edition of Selected Unpublished Essays and Lectures by Frederick Philip Grove Bearing on His Theory of Art. Editor, Henry Makow. Ph. D. Diss. Toronto, 1982.
Grove, Frederick Philip. "Fiction Versus Non-Fiction." Ts., Grove Collection, Box. 20, Fd. 15. Also in: An Edition of Selected Unpublished Essays and Lectures by Frederick Philip Grove, 1982, pp. 281-302.
Grove, Frederick Philip. "Das Fieber...". Ms. poem. Spettigue Archive.
Grove, Frederick Philip. "From the Dirge." Canadian Forum XII, April 1932, pp. 257-261.
Grove, Frederick Philip. "The Happy Ending." In: It Needs to Be Said, 1982, pp. 79-89. Also: ms. fragment in poetry Notebook, Box. 18, Fd. 10.
Grove, Frederick Philip. In Search of Myself. Toronto: Macmillan, 1946.
Grove, Frederick Philip. "Indian Summer." Canadian Forum X, November 1929, p. 56.
Grove, Frederick Philip. It Needs to Be Said. With an introduction by W. J. Keith. Ottawa: Tecumseh Press, 1982, c1929.
Grove, Frederick Philip. Jane Atkinson (novel). Fragment of a typescript. Grove Collection, Box. 13, Fds. 5-8.
Grove, Frederick Philip. "Jean Jacques Rousseau als Erzieher". Der Nordwesten, November 25 to December, 1914. Stobie Archive, University of Manitoba Archives.
Grove, Frederick Philip. "Kopfschmerz." Ms. poem. Spettigue Archive.
Grove, Frederick Philip. Letters from Thomas Mann, Princeton,19. 4. & 5. 6., 1939. Spettigue Archive.
Grove, Frederick Philip. The Letters of Frederick Philip Grove. Edited with an introduction and notes by Desmond Pacey. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1976.
Grove, Frederick Philip. "The Life of Saint Nishivara". 60 Aphorisma. Ms. notebook, Grove Collection, Box. 18, Fd. 9. Also, as "Of Nishivara, the Saint" in A Stranger To My Time, 1986, pp. 83-87.
Grove, Frederick Philip. Miscellaneous Poems. Grove Archives.
Grove, Frederick Philip. Notebook. Grove Archives.
Grove, Frederick Philip. "The Novel." In: It Needs to Be Said, 1982, pp. 115-131.
Grove, Frederick Philip. "Of the Interpretation of Life, [History, Science] : Three Related Unpublished Essays on Art in A. L. Grove's Possession". In: An Edition of Selected Unpublished Essays and Lectures by Frederick Philip Grove, 1982, pp. 102-199. The first essay is "Rebels All", pp. 102-127.
Grove, Frederick Philip. Our Daily Bread. Toronto: Macmillan, 1928.
Grove, Frederick Philip. Over Prairie Trails. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1922.
Grove, Frederick Philip. "The Palinode." Canadian Forum X, September 1930, p. 444.
Grove, Frederick Philip. "Peasant Poetry and Fiction from Hesiod to Hémon." Transactions, Royal Society of Canada, 1944, v. 2, pp. 89-98.
Grove, Frederick Philip. Poems: In Memoriam Phyllis May Grove. Ts. Grove Archives.
Grove, Frederick Philip. "Postscript to 'A Search for America'." Queen's Quarterly 49, no. 3 (1942), pp. 197-213.
Grove, Frederick Philip. "Radio Broadcast". Ts. short story. Grove Collection, Box 17, Fd. 41.
Grove, Frederick Philip. "Realism in Literature." In: It Needs to Be Said, 1982, pp. 47-77. Also: ms. fragment in poetry Notebook, Box. 18, Fd. 10.
Grove, Frederick Philip. "Rebels All". In: An Edition of Selected Unpublished Essays and Lectures by Frederick Philip Grove, 1982, pp. 103-127. Also in A Stranger To My Time, 1986, pp. 67-82.
Grove, Frederick Philip. "Sag, hebt sich dein Herz...". Ms. poem. Grove Archives, Box 18, Fd. 24.
Grove, Frederick Philip. "Science." (poem). Canadian Forum IX, November 1929, p. 206.
Grove, Frederick Philip. A Search for America: The Odyssey of an Immigrant. Toronto: Macmillan, 1927. Subtitle lacking in 1928 printing.
Grove, Frederick Philip. Selections from Poems. Grove Archives.
Grove, Frederick Philip. The Settlers of the Marsh. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1925.
Grove, Frederick Philip. Short Stories Unpublished tss.. Grove Collection, Box. 17, Fds. 16-49. Mss., Box 18, Fds. 1-6.
Grove, Frederick Philip. Tales from the Margin: The Selected Short Stories of Frederick Philip Grove. Ed., Desmond Pacey. Toronto: Ryerson, 1971.
Grove, Frederick Philip. "Thomas Hardy: A Critical Examination of a Typical Novel and His Shorter Poems." University of Toronto Quarterly 1 (1932), pp. 490-507.
Grove, Frederick Philip. "Thoughts and Reflection". Diary-like entries in a notebook, March13, 1933 to June 3, 1940. Ms., Grove Collection, Box. 22, Fd. 2. Also in A Stranger To My Time, 1986, pp. 301-340.
Grove, Frederick Philip. The Turn of the Year. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1923.
Grove, Frederick Philip. Two Generations: A Story of Present-Day Ontario. Toronto: Ryerson, 1939.
Grove, Frederick Philip. Two Lives: The Story of an Ontario Farm. Ts., Grove Collection, Box. 12, Fds. 5-7. Ms., "Heart's Desire", Fds. 2-4.
Grove, Frederick Philip. "The Value of Art." In: It Needs to Be Said, 1982, pp. 103-114. Also: ms. fragment in poetry Notebook, Box. 18, Fd. 10.
Grove, F. P. "A Writer's Classification of Writers and Their Works". University of Toronto Quarterly 1 (1932), pp. 236-253.
The Grove Symposium. Ed., J. Nause. Ottawa: University of Ottawa, 1974.
Guggenheim, Peggy (Vail). Letter to Else von Freytag-Loringhoven, 29. 8. 1927. Ts. University of Maryland, College Park.
Hänsel-Hohenhausen, Markus. Die frühe deutschsprachige Oscar-Wilde-Rezeption, 1893-1906: Bibliographie. [s. l.]: Verlag Hänsel-Hohenhausen, 1990.
Hardt, Ernst. Briefe an Ernst Hardt: eine Auswahl aus den Jahren 1898-1947. In Verbindung mit Tilla Goetz-Hardt, hrsg. von Jochen Meyer. Marbach: Deutsches Literaturarchiv, 1975.
Hardt, Ernst. Der Kampf ums Rosenrote: ein Schauspiel in vier Akten. Leipzig: Insel Verlag, 1903.
Hardy, Thomas. Collected Poems. New York: Macmillan, 1926. Grove's personal copy, University of Manitoba.
Healy, J. J. "Grove and the Matter of Germany: The Warkentin Letters and the Art of Liminal Disengagement." Studies in Canadian Literature v. 6 (1981), pp. 170-187.
Heine, Heinrich. Heine's Poems. Ed., Carl Edgar Eggert. Boston: Ginn & Co., [1906]. Grove's personal copy, University of Manitoba.
Hjartarson, Paul. "Of Greve, Grove, and Other Strangers: the Autobiography of the Baroness Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven." In: A Stranger to My Time, 1986, pp. 269-284.
Hjartarson, Paul. "The Self, its Discourse, and the Others: The Autobiographies of Frederick Philip Grove and Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven." In: Reflections: Autobiography and Canadian Literature, 1988, pp. 115-129.
Hofmann von Hofmannswaldau, Christian. 100 in kurtz-langmäßigen, vierzeiligen Reimen bestehende Grabschriften. (1663).
Hofmann von Hofmannswaldau, Christian. Auserlesene Gedichte des Herrn Hofman von Hofmanswaldau (sic!). Mit einer Einleitung herausgegeben von Felix Paul Greve. Leipzig: Insel Verlag, 1907. Pref. "Berlin, Januar 1907".
Hofmann von Hofmannswaldau, Christian, in: Das Lustwäldchen: galante Lieder aus der deutschen Barockzeit. Gesammelt und herausgegeben von Franz Blei. München: Hans Weber, 1907.
Jost, Dominik. Stefan George und seine Elite. Zürich: Speer, 1949.
Kaufmann, Walter. Nietzsche: Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist. 4th ed. Princeton: Princeton University Press,1974.
Kaufmann, Walter. "Nietzsche." In: Encyclopedia of Philosophy, v. 5, pp. 504-514.
Keith, W. J. "Grove's Search For America. " Canadian Literature 59 (1974), pp. 57-66.
Keith, W. J. Introduction to It Needs to Be Said, 1982, pp. vii-xiii.
Kindermann, Heinz. Das Goethebild des XX. Jahrhunderts. Wien: Humboldt Verlag, 1952.
Kippenberg, Anton. Letter to Else Greve, 21. 9. 1909. In: F. P. Grove, Letters, 1976, pp. 550-552.
Klages, Ludwig. Der Geist als Widersacher der Seele. 3. Aufl. München: Barth, 1954.
Kluncker, Karlhans. Blätter für die Kunst: Zeitschrift der Dichterschule Stefan Georges. Frankfurt: V. Klostermann, 1974.
Knönagel, Axel. "Grove's first translation." Canadian Literature 1o8 (Winter 1986), pp. 214-220. (about O. Wilde's aphorisms, Lehren und Sprüche..., ca. May, 1902).
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Knopf, Jan. Brecht-Handbuch: Lyrik, Prosa, Schriften. Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler, 1984.
Kroetsch, Robert. "The Grammar of Silence: Narrative Pattern in Ethnic Writing." Canadian Literature 106 (1985), pp. 65-74.
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Makow, Henry, ed. An Edition of Selected Unpublished Essays and Lectures by Frederick Philip Grove, Bearing on His Theory of Art. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Toronto. Toronto, 1982.
Mann, Thomas. Die Briefe Thomas Manns: Regesten und Register. Frankfurt: S. Fischer, 1977-. Bd.2. 1934-1943. !981.
Mann, Thomas. Die Buddenbrooks: Verfall einer Familie. Frankfurt: S. Fischer, 1981 (orig. 1901).
Mann, Thomas. Letters to F. P. Grove, 19. 4. & 5. 6., 1939, from Princeton. Spettigue Archive.
McMullen, Lorraine. "Women in Grove's Novels." The Grove Symposium, 1974, pp. 67-76.
Michael, Friedrich. "Verschollene der frühen Insel." Börsenblatt des deutschen Buchhandels 28 (1972), p. A80 ff.
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Nietzsche, Friedrich. Werke in sechs Bänden. Hrsg., K. Schlechta. München: Hanser, 1980.
Pacey, Desmond, and J. C. Mahanti. "Frederick Philip Grove: An International Novelist." International Fiction Revue 2 (1974), pp. 17-26.
Pacey, Desmond. Introduction. In: Grove, F.P., The Letters of Frederick Philip Grove, 1976, pp. ix-xxvi.
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Pache, Walter. "Der Fall Grove - Vorleben und Nachleben des Schriftstellers Felix Paul Greve." Deutschkanadisches Jahrbuch 5 (1979), pp.121-136.
Pache, Walter. "Frederick Philip Grove's Loneliness: Comparative Perspectives." German-Canadian Studies in the 1980s: Symposium, 1983, pp. 185-196.
Raschel, Heinz. Das Nietzsche-Bild im George-Kreis: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der deutschen Mythologeme. Berlin: De Gruyter, 1984.
Reflections: Autobiography and Canadian Literature. Ed., K.P. Stich. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1988.
Register of the Frederick Philip Grove Collection. Compiled by Deborah Raths. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Libraries, Dept. of Archives, Manuscripts and Rare Books, 1979.
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Rysselberghe, Maria van. Les Cahiers de la petite dame. Paris: Gallimard, 1973-1977. (V. 1, 1918-1929, p. 85: about E. v. Freytag-Loringhoven addressing Gide from New York via Bernice Abbott, June, 1921).
Sarkowski, Heinz. "J. C. C. Bruns in Minden: Hinweise auf einen fast vergessenen Verlag". Imprimatur N.F. 6 (1968), pp. 121-131.
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Shakespeare, William. King Lear. Ed., D. Nichol Smith. Boston: D. C. Heath, [1904]. Grove's personal copy, University of Manitoba.
Shelley, Percy B. "Adonais". In: The Poetical Works, v. 1, pp. 452-467. In part XX, "Nought we know dies..." is underlined by Grove.
Shelley, Percy B. The Poetical Works. Ed. A. H. Koszul. 2v. London ; Toronto: J. M. Dent, 1910, c1907. Grove's personal copy, University of Manitoba.
Simmel, Georg. Die Philosophie des Geldes. 1900.
Spettigue, Douglas O. "Ersatz-Feminism in FPG's German Novels." In: A Stranger To My Time, 1986, pp. 47-64.
Spettigue, Douglas O. "Felix, Elsa, André Gide and Others: Some Unpublished Letters of F. P. Greve." Canadian Literature 134 (Autumn 1992), pp. 9-39.
Spettigue, Douglas O. FPG: The European Years. [Ottawa]: Oberon Press, 1973.
Spettigue, Douglas O. Introduction. In: E. von Freytag-Loringhoven, Baroness Elsa. [Ottawa]: Oberon Press, 1992a, pp. 9-40.
Stanley, Carleton. Letter to Catherine Grove (about F. P. Grove's poetry), 29. 12. 1955. Spettigue Archive, Box 4, Fd. 26.
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Stenberg, Peter. "Translating the Translatable: A Note on a Practical Problem with F. P. Greve's 'Wanderungen'." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature (1980), pp. 206-212.
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Stich, K. P. "Grove's 'Stella'." Canadian Literature 113/114 (1987), pp. 258-262.
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A Stranger to My Time: Essays By and About Frederick Philip Grove. Ed., Paul Hjartarson. Edmonton: NeWest Press, 1986.
Swift, Jonathan. "Ein bescheidener Vorschlag, wie man...". In his: Prosaschriften, Bd. 1, 1909, pp. 321-336. Also in his Satiren, 1975.
Swift, Jonathan. Historical and Political tracts, Irish. London: G. Bell, 1905. Prose Works, v. 7. Grove's personal copy, University of Manitoba.
Swift, Jonathan. "A Modest Proposal...". In his: Historical and Political tracts, Irish, 1905, pp. 207-216. (Orig. 1729). Heavily annotated in Grove's personal copy. Transl. as "Ein bescheidener Vorschlag...", 1909.
Swift, Jonathan. Prosaschriften. Herausgegeben, eingeleitet und kommentiert von Felix Paul Greve. Berlin: Oesterheld (v. 1), 1909; Reiss (v. 2-4), 1910. Bd. 1: "Ein bescheidener Vorschlag...". Bd. 4: Gulliver's Travels as "Reisen in mehrere ferne Nationen der Welt...".
Swift, Jonathan. Reisen in mehrere ferne Nationen der Welt... In his: Prosaschriften, Bd. 4, 1910.
Swift, Jonathan. Satiren. Mit einem Vorwort von Martin Walser. [Übersetzt (revidiert) von Felix Paul Greve]. Frankfurt: Insel-Verlag, 1975. Includes "Ein bescheidener Vorschlag" (A Modest Proposal...).
Tennyson, Alfred. In Memoriam. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1982 (orig., 1850).
Tennyson, Alfred. Poems. New York: Books, Inc. Publ., [n.d.]. Grove's personal copy, University of Manitoba.
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Vaihinger, Hans. Die Philosophie des Als-Ob: System der theoretischen Fiktionen...Mit einem Anhang über Kant und Nietzsche. 3. Aufl. Leipzig: F. Meiner, 1918.
Voswinckel, Ulrike. "Franziska zu Reventlow: ein Hörbild." Typescript of a radio-broadcast, Bayerischer Rundfunk, January 18, 1986.
Watson, Steven. Strange Bedfellows: The First American Avant-Garde. New York: Abbeville Press, 1992 (On E. von Freytag-Loringhoven, pp. 264-271, etc.).
Wilde, Oscar. "Aesthetik der Lüge". In: Fingerzeige, 2. Aufl., 1905, pp. 1-60. (Pref.: "Paris-Plage, November 1905"; omits reference to H. Kilian).
Wilde, Oscar. Das Bildnis Dorian Grays. Deutsch von Felix Paul Greve. Minden: J. C. C. Bruns, [1903; pref. 1902].
Wilde, Oscar. Bunbury. In: Oscar Wilde, Sämtliche Werke in deutscher Sprache, 1906-1908, v. 10, pp. 171-272. (First publ. separately, 1902)
Wilde, Oscar. Fingerzeige. Deutsch von Felix Paul Greve. Minden: J. C. C. Bruns, 1902. (2. Aufl., 1905).
Wilde, Oscar. Lehren und Sprüche für die reifere Jugend. Deutsch von Felix Paul Greve. München: In Commission, J. Littauer, Kunsthandlung, [1902]. Autographed: "Herrn Stefan George/in Verehrung, Mai 1902/F.P.G." (Stefan George Archiv, Stuttgart).
Wilde, Oscar. Sämtliche Werke in deutscher Sprache. 12 v. Wien ; Leipzig: Wiener Verlag, 1906-1908. (Also in reprint editions, 12 v. in 4, as by Globus-Verlag, 1918).
Wilde, Oscar. "Der Verfall der Lüge". In: Fingerzeige, 1902, pp. 1-60. Table of contents: "Deutsch von H. F. C. K." (i.e., Herman Kilian). A later edition (1905) has "Aesthetik der Lüge", and omits the acknowledgement.
Williams, David. Confessional Fictions: A Portrait of the Artist in the Canadian Novel. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1991.
Williams, David. "Oscar Wilde and a Swede from Nebraska: Masks of Autobiography in 'Settlers of the Marsh' and 'In Search of Myself'." In: Canada and the Nordic Countries, pp. 365-375.
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Wolfskehl, Karl. Typed letter to Robert Böhringer, from Recco, 16. 2. 1938. Stefan George Archiv, Stuttgart. (About Greve's Fanny Eßler novel).
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