Criticism aboutFPG & FrL

Greve/Grove & Else v. Freytag-Loringhoven


Felix Paul Greve's first & last Translations, 1898 & 1909:
Dante's Vita Nuova & Swift's "Modest Proposal"

Gaby Divay, UM Archives

Originally published in:
Deutschkanadisches Jahrbuch = German-Canadian Yearbook XIV (1995), 107-128

1. Introduction :
Grove's knowledge of World Literature
UM Archives' Collections: Spettigue's Papers & Grove's Library
Greve's translations, 1898-1909

2. FPG (Greve/Grove) & Dante
Reflections in Grove's correspondenc
Dante in Grove's Library at the UMA
Greve in Munich, the Stefan George Circle & Karl Wolfskehl

Six mss Sonnets from Dante's Vita Nuova
(copies obtained from Stefan-George-Archiv, Stuttgart & deposited in UMA's Divay Collection Mss 12: 1. / XLI ; 2. / III ; 3. / IX ; 4. / XXI ; 5. / XXXVIII ; 6. / XXXV)
Petrarchism in Greve & Else v. Freytag-Loringhoven's "Fanny Essler" poems

3. FPG (Greve/Grove) & Swift
Grove's Swift ed. in 12 v. by Temple Scott extant in his Library
Temple Scott acknowledged in Greve's 4 v. ed. of Swift's Prose Works
Grove's annotations of "A Modest Proposal"
Greve's translation used by Brecht, & reprinted many times by Insel Publishers

4. Conclusion
FPG a brilliant translator & imitator
His creativity is derivative, just as all translations are
Freytag-Loringhoven's pertinent judgement of Greve's creative writings

5. Bibliography

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